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Sunday, December 02, 2012

Home » , , , » Sinister movie review... my scary review..

Sinister movie review... my scary review..


 the day for relaxing and minding our own business and not to put any stress onto ourself...

 NOOOO i have to go around watch this movie entitled SINISTER.. and it really spoilt my Sunday afternoon... and YES.. this movie need to be watch in a broad daylight with a spotlight pointed at you....

Movie Poster
I would give this movie a 100 out of 10 stars if i'm not busy covering my eyes every time Ethan Hawke watched the Super 8 film in the movie... its just how scary movie should be done and please dont invite your kids to watch it with you (but its ok if you watch it with your friends at a Lunch Party.. i say lunch party ok... not Birthday Party)

The spoiler is out there in the Net since this is not a super new movie (its out in Malaysia Oct 18, 2012) and do expect to see soooo many censored my the Penapisan... watch it from other source.. its so worth it and can be the scariest movie in 2012....

now.. go watch it and dont you dare find more info in the internet since it WILL spoilt the story for you...

i gave this movie 100 out of 10 stars (because it scares me out of my pants.. and let me stress this.. i watch it in the "relaxing" sunday AFTERNOON.. dont dare to watch it in the night.. it will ruin your sleep for the whole week.. you have been warned!!)

My personal movie review of the film SINISTER...

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